ISCB-SC EIC Poster Receives Outstanding Poster at ISMB 2018

The Education and Internships Committee poster that I presented at ISMB in the Education COSI Track received the F1000 Outstanding Presentation Prize at ISMB. This is a great honor for the council and I hope it will improve the visibility of a vial program for our group. The poster focussed on our recent publication in PLOS Computational Biology which highlighted the process of the ISCB-SC Internships Program, I had mentioned it previously. The paper and poster are linked from Thanks to the entire committee for making it such a great program.

Scallop Parameter Advising accepted as a talk at ISMB 2018

I will be presenting my most recent work, titled “Automatically eliminating errors induced by suboptimal parameter choices in transcript assembly”, at the Machine Learning in Computational and Systems Biology (MLCSB) COSI at ISMB 2018 in Chicago. More details about the talk as well as slides will be posted before the meeting. (slides) (video)

I will also be presenting the ISCB-SC Education and Internships Committee’s poster a the Education COSI meeting at ISMB. This is a highlight of our previously published paper in PLOS Computational Biology (see Publications > Service).

Adaptive Local Realignment talk at ISMB 2016 time announced

I will be giving a talk titled  “Boosting alignment accuracy through adaptive local realignment” at ISMB 2016 in session TP021 on Sunday, 10 July at 2:00 PM in the Northern Hemisphere E1/E2 room. This will be a late breaking research talk so there is no associated publication yet, but information about using adaptive realignment can be found on the Facet website at I will also be presenting a poster on the same work, during the Monday poster session you can find me at poster number N22. A preprint is also on bioRxiv DOI 10.1101/063131.
